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laacher see造句

"laacher see"是什么意思  
  • Laacher See, etc . ) and from Monte Vulture in Italy.
  • Finds and Laacher See volcanic eruption approximately 12, 900 years ago.
  • It is found only in the Eifel Mountains volcanic area near Mayen, Laacher See district of Germany.
  • Evidence of the massive Laacher See volcano eruption, which most likely took place during spring / early summer,
  • This radiocarbon age would make the Laacher see eruption about 200 radiocarbon years older than the start of the Younger Dryas.
  • Even if the Laacher See eruption was contemporaneous with the start of the Younger Dryas, it was not large enough to initiate a new stadial.
  • In 1180 the Holy Roman Emperor Abbey of Maria Laach "'on the Laacher See, a lake in the southeast of the district.
  • Volcanic pumice was deposited during a major eruption of the Laacher See volcano, which according to recent dating occurred approximately 12, 900 years ago.
  • The largest, the Laacher See, is a collapsed, water-filled caldera, whilst the many maars are water-filled volcanic eruption bowls.
  • Second, Late-Glacial sediment cores from Switzerland demonstrate that a significant period of time separate the Laacher See eruption and the start of the Younger Dryas.
  • It's difficult to see laacher see in a sentence. 用laacher see造句挺难的
  • The Vulkaneifel contains three geological parks ( 2004, 45 km?), the Vulkanpark Brohltal / Laacher See, the Vulkanpark Osteifel, and the Vulkaneifel European Geopark.
  • First, detailed dating of varved and other lake deposits in other maar lakes determined an age of at least 11, 230 ?40 radiocarbon years BP for the Laacher See eruption.
  • They occur in great numbers in the Rhenish volcanic district ( Eifel, Laacher See ) and in Bohemia, and accompany tephrites or leucitites in Java, Montana, Celebes and Sardinia.
  • No other Final Palaeolithic site of Bad Breisig is evidence for a rapid return and resumption of traditional behaviour patterns of Lateglacial hunter-gatherers after the devastating natural hazard of the Laacher See eruption.
  • More recently, the radiocarbon dating of trees killed by the Laacher See eruption and an examination of Swiss dendrochronology and volcanic sulphur in the Greenland ice cores concluded that the Laacher See eruption predated the onset of the Younger Dryas by some 203 calendar years on average.
  • More recently, the radiocarbon dating of trees killed by the Laacher See eruption and an examination of Swiss dendrochronology and volcanic sulphur in the Greenland ice cores concluded that the Laacher See eruption predated the onset of the Younger Dryas by some 203 calendar years on average.
  • *"'Maars and lakes "': Booser Doppelmaar-Dreiser Weiher-D黵res Maar-Gem黱dener Maar-Holzmaar-Immerather Maar-Laacher See-Meerfelder Maar-Papenkaule-Pulvermaar-Schalkenmehrener Maar-Strohner Maarchen-Weinfelder Maar-Windsborn Crater Lake
  • The finds were recovered from slack water deposits (  Hochflutlehm ) which were overlaying material from the Laacher See volcanic eruption which is dated to the late Aller鴇 and the Younger Dryas, whereas the other two samples delivering considerably younger results suffered from presumable contaminations ( Baales et al . 2001 ).
  • That may be due to Pomerania's location within the fall-out zone of the Laacher See eruption, which in 10970 BC covered the area with a tephra layer and is probably responsible for the emergence of the Bromme techno-complex from the Federmesser one by separating it from the southern groups.
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